

I. Introductory Provisions

  1. The server is a public server that provides commercial and non-commercial services to individuals and legal entities.
  2. The server operator has the right to decide which services will be free and which will be paid.
  3. The obligations of the operator and users are set out in these rules. Users use the services provided on the server at their own risk. They hereby acknowledge that they may be exposed to various content. Some of them may be inappropriate, indecent, offensive, and the like for the user. The user accesses the server content with this awareness.

Users who do not agree with these rules may not use the services provided by the operator.


II. User registration

  1. The user is not obliged to register when using the server, however, a registered user has more options and the provider reserves the right to determine the scope of these services.
  2. The information provided by the user during registration must be true. In the event that the provided data changes, the user is obliged to correct it within one month.


III. Cancellation of registration

  1. The operator reserves the right to cancel the registration of a user who violates these rules and/or generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic and also of a user who does not log in to the server for more than 3 months.
  2. The operator reserves the right to store information entered by the user on the server for as long as it deems appropriate. All communication and activity of the user on the server, as well as his contributions and articles that were public at the time of his registered access, may also be stored and published, unless the operator decides otherwise.


IV. User privacy

  1. The user provides the operator with data, private data, including personal data, pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 428/2002 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “personal data” and “Act on the Protection of Personal Data”), for the purpose of providing services to the user on the servers, making this data available to other server users, and recording for an indefinite period of time, and at the same time the user agrees that the operator processes and handles this data in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data, if it concerns personal data. On the day of cancellation of registration, the user is deemed to have withdrawn consent to the processing of personal data, and the operator undertakes to handle this data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. The user provides his personal data voluntarily and is aware that his personal data may be made available to third parties (users) in connection with the services provided on the servers.
  2. For the purposes of these rules, the user’s private data means all data that is not publicly accessible to other users or is not otherwise shared (for example, data for which the user has been told “not to publish”, etc.) and mail, even if it is shared. The IP address of the computer and access times (Logs) of the user are not considered private data of the user.
  3. The operator undertakes not to provide private data and IP of the user to any third party, unless otherwise provided by a generally binding legal regulation and/or based on a legitimate request of a public administration body.


V. User Obligations

  1. The user is obliged to observe morality when operating on the server and to act in a manner that is in accordance with moral values. He also acknowledges that when using the services on the server, he may not behave in a manner that is contrary to the generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, in particular, he may not in any way:

– promote violence and openly or covertly incite hatred based on gender, race, skin color, language, belief and religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, membership of a nationality or ethnic group;

– promote war or describe cruel or otherwise inhumane actions in a manner that is inappropriately trivializing, justifying or approving them;

– openly or covertly promote alcohol, alcoholism, smoking, use of narcotics, poisons and precursors or trivialize the consequences of using the aforementioned substances;

– use vulgarisms, phrases or other verbal or sign expressions, the direct or indirect meaning of which is contrary to generally accepted social morality and ethics;

– endanger the physical, psychological or moral development of minors, or disrupt their mental health and emotional state;

– send posts with erotic content;

– promote child pornography;

– repeatedly send the same posts or repeatedly copy them to the site

– provide links to other sites without comment

– openly or covertly promote a political party or its representatives;

– openly or covertly provide advertising, to any natural or legal person, for any products or services;

– promote medicines whose release is subject to a medical prescription and a veterinary prescription, which contain narcotic substances and psychotropic substances whose release is not subject to a medical prescription and which are reimbursed on the basis of health insurance according to a special regulation and medicines not registered in the Slovak Republic, which mention the effects of medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, serious infectious diseases, cancer, chronic insomnia, metabolic disorders and mental illnesses;

– promote and carry out any other form of action that is contrary to the legal order of the Slovak Republic;

– provide false, unverified, misleading or deceptive reports about a third party, or in particular if such information about a third party may benefit another party;

– send contributions written only in capital letters

– circumvent the above-mentioned prohibitions.

  1. The user may not:

– violate the rules and binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic in discussions. Prevent others from discussing on the server, or disrupt the discussion. The user may not insult or harass other users.

  1. The user is always responsible for his/her activities on the server, especially for activities that are contrary to the rules and binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.
  2. The user may not log in to the server as someone else, or in any other similar way abuse the identity of another user or other person. The user may not harm the operator and his/her reputation in any way.
  3. The user is not entitled to any author’s remuneration (honorary fee) for his/her contributions published on the servers. The user may not promote themselves or other persons on the server if they are in a position that could be perceived as competitors of the operator.


VI. Rules for adding photos

  1. The user undertakes to add to the server only photos and videos for which he has the copyright or the consent of the author.
  2. The user may not add to the servers photos and videos that are contrary to good morals and generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, including erotic and pornographic photos and videos.
  3. The rules for adding photos and videos specified in points 1. and 2. apply to all photos and videos that the user adds to the server, especially to the profile.


VII. Price

  1. The operator will determine which service is paid, to what extent and amount, inform the user about this and ask him to express his consent that he wants to use such a service.


VIII. Advertising on the server

  1. The user agrees that advertising will be displayed on the server and that advertising emails will be sent to him. The user will not turn off, remove or otherwise prevent advertising from being displayed.


IX. Rights and obligations of the operator

  1. The operator reserves the right to decide on the duration of downtime and the termination of server operations. It also does not provide a guarantee for the error-free, continuous functioning of the server and its security. The operator is not liable for any damage caused to the user in connection with the use of services on the server.
  2. The operator is not liable for the content of articles, contributions, contributions to discussions and other content resulting from the activities of users on the server.
  3. The operator is not liable for infringement of copyright (rights arising from intellectual property rights) or other rights violated by users and their activities on the server.
  4. The operator has the obligations arising from these rules. It has no other obligations towards users or third parties.
  5. The operator has the right:

a) cancel the user’s registration at any time, even without giving a reason.

b) interrupt the provision of free and paid services on the servers at any time for a fixed period, indefinitely or forever.

c) shut down the servers at any time, even without any prior notice.

d) change the user environment, graphics, visual page of the server as well as the content page and focus without consent without informing the user about the implementation of these changes in advance.

The user is obliged to:

  1. compensate the operator for any damage incurred by him as a result of his activities, in particular fines and other sanctions.


X. Change of rules

  1. These rules are available on the operator’s website. Each user of the server gives his de facto consent to these rules by using them. The operator is not obliged to inform users about changes to the rules. The latest version of the rules is always effective. The user acknowledges this and agrees to it.


XI. Compliance with legal norms

  1. When using the services on the server, the user is obliged to comply with the legal norms of the country in which he is located, as well as the legal norms of the Slovak Republic. In the event of a violation of the legal norms or obligations specified in these rules, the operator will provide data about the user to the competent authorities in accordance with the applicable legal regulations of the Slovak Republic or the legal regulations of the country from which the user operates.


XII. Special provision regarding paid services

  1. The rules on the use of paid services will regulate special additional rules with the appropriate application of these rules to each paid service.


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