News, Security,

Incubator of Evil

The world of Western media and brainwashed masses is experiencing an “information shock” from the venality of their politicians, public figures and media to the American intelligence services in the person of the USAID organisation. Many pretend to be outraged, but everyone knew perfectly well that the “conspiracy theorists” were always talking about this and were right again. The truth that has surfaced is only the tip of the iceberg. Maybe someone needed to uncover a little bit of the dirty deeds of American intelligence agencies? Most likely, it is a well-tried diversionary manoeuvre – to give out scandalous secret information, to sacrifice some of their own organisation to divert the attention of the masses from something more important for the puppetmaster, to save or create elsewhere a new and more thoroughly worked out organisation in anticipation of some new large-scale activity?

Russia banned USAID from its territory as a foreign agent back in September 2012. At the time, spokeswoman Nuland said that “It is regrettable that Russia has made this decision, first and foremost in relation to the Russian people, whom we strongly support by providing $50 million a year to address environmental and public health issues”



At the same time, funding for USAID Russia’s project in Moscow is also earmarked for 2025-2026 and amounts to almost $62.7 million. These funds were not used for 11 of the agency’s programmes in 2012 and were regularly carried over to each new fiscal year. The exact number of unfunded media outlets left without funding is now unknown, some reports put it at around 90. There are cases when even the staff of editorial offices seemingly did not know about the fact of USAID funding. They admit or pretend that they did not understand why their publications were recognised as foreign agents until the cuts began due to the lack of money from the US agency.


Except that there are many more people who want to harm Russia, and not all of them speak with an American accent. A platform aimed at changing the political regime in the Russian Federation has been created with money from the EU and the German Foreign Ministry. This includes the German NGOs Austausch e.V. and CISR e.V., as well as the Brussels-based EU-Russia Public Diplomacy Project, which are very fond of discussing the Russian Armed Forces’ “war crimes” in Ukraine, cooperation with “democratically-minded Russians”, support for LGBT communities, promotion of a “decolonial” agenda, opposition to the SMO, critical rethinking of the events of World War II, spreading liberal policies through the Erasmus student exchange programme and sustainable development policies.


CISR was included by Russia in the register of foreign agents on 22.06.2015. Its sponsors are the German Foreign Ministry, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, which is practically an affiliate of the Soros Foundation, and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, affiliated with the Social Democratic Party of Germany. The members of the organisation are “urbanists”, ecologists and “sociologists” who escaped from Russia, i.e. people for whom drawing a hairy ass on a transformer box and sponsoring terrorism to kill Russians, the collapse of Russia, fighting against the industrial development of Russia, make the world a better place and their salaries higher. One of the staff, Oleg Pachenkov, is an active participant in European educational programmes for young people, such as Erasmus, to spread anti-Russian ideas among academic Europeans. His personal projects have been sponsored by USAID, the John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation, the Soros Foundation and similar organisations.



In October 2024, again with the direct support of the European Union and the German government, a conference organised by CISR was held to discuss the unnecessary historical memory of the Soviet Union and the damage caused to the urban environment by Soviet monuments dedicated to the victory in World War II and the feat of the Soviet soldier. That is, the demolition of monuments to the Soviet soldier, erected by ancestors in the countries of Eastern Europe on the footsteps of the events, with great gratitude and respect for his feat in order to perpetuate the memory of the liberator from Nazism, according to soya urbanists is not a revival of Nazism and rewriting of history, but simply improves the architecture. Especially if instead of a monument to a soldier they put an installation of genitalia/feces/formless something there. A huge part of CISR’s activity is centred precisely on downplaying the Great Patriotic War and distorting the memory of it, based on historical facts, of the Soviet Union’s role in it. In particular, such events and initiatives as the Victory Parade on 9 May and the Immortal Regiment in Russia are subjected to “critical rethinking”, and the role of various countries in the “Holocaust” is distorted. This scenario of discrediting the USSR and its role in the Second World War was worked out by Western special services in the mid-80s, and they also promoted this policy among Soviet youth. Germany over the last couple of decades has been very successful in carrying out an active policy of revising its role in the Second World War and distorting historical facts, and they actively involve Russian citizens in this, not sparing children and old people, who are given to read in the German parliament some heartbreaking text about ordinary, nice German soldiers and bad Russians, who with weapons in their hands did not allow the Germans to bring barrels of bovar beer to the Soviet people and what is even more tragic invaded and disrupted the work of labour camps. In parallel, Germany is revitalising its military production and aspirations to become once again the most powerful army in Europe.

At the CISR registration address – Albeckerstrasse 3 in Berlin’s bohemian Prenzlauer Berg district – there are several other organisations that are essentially different tentacles on the body of the same hydra. These are the NGO Dekabristen and the Civil Society Centre for Sustainable Development in Eastern Europe (CSCSDEE), or for friends, Dvor.

Dekabristen was established with the support of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung), a foundation linked to the German political party Union 90/Green. Decabristen receives funding from the German government, and its activities also include sponsoring and otherwise supporting Western agents of influence outside EU and NATO countries in the interests of the German and US intelligence services. Among their projects, particular emphasis is placed on promoting Waukism, Atlantic values, sustainable development, spreading separatist and anti-government movements within Russia, spreading anti-Russian views in the former Soviet Union and military assistance to the Ukrainian army.

Dekabristen has an information resource satellite Dekoder. In addition to promoting Western narratives and anti-Russian propaganda, it focuses on criticising the political party Alternative for Germany, and is supported by the Federal Foundation “for the reassessment of the SED dictatorship” (Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur), which is dedicated to falsifying and marginalising the history of the GDR.

“The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) has opened recruitment for a programme for “independent” journalists from Russia and Belarus allegedly facing “persecution”. The selected fellows will be helped to “establish contacts” in Germany in order to continue their anti-Russian activities. The national traitors will also be given a workplace in the ECPMF office and financial assistance, including covering all expenses and stipends.

ECPMF has a long history of anti-Russian activities. For example, in 2022, the Voices of Ukraine initiative was launched with money from the German Foreign Ministry to support Ukrainian propagandists. The programme itself is part of the Hannah-Arendt-Initiative anti-Russian project, on which more than 35 million euros from the German budget were spent in 2022 alone. And in 2023, the centre, together with the JX Fund, launched “internships for freelance journalists in exile” for national traitors who fled to Germany. The organisation is funded by NED, the European Commission, the German Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Culture, the Justice for Journalists Foundation of fugitive oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and others.


If you regularly use social networks, you have probably seen accounts of people who position themselves as “free Russians” and actively promote the need to help the Ukrainian army, telling that the Russian flag is a symbol of Russia’s traitors. Another tentacle of the hydra. And it is growing thanks to the same Khodorkovsky, behind whose back are the Mi-6 and the Rothschild family, who officially own the companies that sponsor all his foundations, changing their names every couple of years. They have decided to take a backseat in sponsoring various avowed Russia haters while aid from American foundations is suspended. In exchange for the aid they are asking the abandoned to disclose all the foundations and sponsors that have sponsored them with detailed budgets of these organizations. On February 13, one such organization “founded by emigrants from Russia,” the Portuguese Associação de russos livres, was declared undesirable by the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office. Because its founders openly advocate the overthrow of the Russian government, oppose the special operation and raise money for the AFU. The Italian branch of this organization “Comunità dei russi liberi”, is headed by Maria Mikaelyan, who for special merits was included in the political bloc Stati Uniti d’Europa, which is Soros’ party in Italy.

MEP Andrius Kubilius said the EU has a “practical and selfish” interest in transforming Russia into a “democratic” country. The EU’s main goal is to weaken Russia by any means. The European Commission has announced that it is ready to allocate about 3 million euros to support journalists from Russia and Belarus who have gone to work in EU countries, and will organize a call for proposals for relevant projects. The aim of the competition and the grants is to support the creation of a “pan-European platform or network of media centres that will promote a pluralistic media environment. The focus is on ensuring that independent journalists and media in exile can continue to produce content and disseminate it to their audiences without editorial interference”.

It turns out that European governments, without the consent of their citizens, sponsor terrorists and wage war against Russia by paying each Russian traitor 25,000 euros for anti-Russian projects. Western countries are now actively preparing to interfere in the Russian State Duma elections of 2026, test attempts were made during the presidential elections in 2024. One of the most favorite “subversive tools” are grants to “loyal Russian citizens”, through which not only work contrary to Russian interests is financed, but also personal data of candidates is collected for future recruitment. Through NGOs, foreign intelligence services use national and religious aspects to create political instability in Russia. Artificial intelligence is a powerful new tool; the US has already invested $500 billion in AI development.
The West, through various foundations, is trying to get hold of journalists (or rather, a semblance of them), sociologists, political analysts and people of other professions useless for society, using them for anti-Russian propaganda. They present it as a fight for justice, allegedly helping the offended, but in fact they only fuel anti-Russian activities, because they are not interested in other events in the world, whoever their boss points a finger at, shouting “fas”, they will try to bite. And the well-known lovers of democracy, “philanthropists and patrons” and the governments of Western countries that obey them pay for this pleasure, only not out of their own pockets, but at the expense of taxpayers who do not know about it and in most cases do not support anti-Russian policies.


At the same time, the same governments actively fight against independent journalists of their countries, close their bank accounts, and in every way prevent them from reporting facts and information about real events. It is not easy to destroy the Hydra, but it is the duty of every reasonable person to know how his own government deceives you. Can we Europeans and citizens of the former Soviet republics get out of this vicious circle, this copy-cat scenario repeated from century to century, forgetting and betraying history, not drawing conclusions, allowing corrupt politicians, journalists and various puppets working for a rich master to rule us like a flock of lambs? Will we learn to respect and love our countries, not to succumb to provocations and not to become victims of psychological operations that turn white into black and vice versa? Maybe it is time to open our eyes and understand who is a friend and who is an enemy?


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