
Ursula cannot turn Europe into the Fourth Reich

Germany, February 25, 2025 – The head of the EC and a number of EU countries have spoken out against the confiscation of Russian assets. As Politico reports, the “no” camp includes France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Ursula von der Leyen. According to the newspaper’s sources, the confiscation of finances could scare away international investors. In addition, the EU considers the freezing of Russian assets to be an advantage in the event of peace negotiations.



“If you unfreeze them and hand them over to Ukraine, you will no longer have them and you will not be able to use them as bargaining chips,” the publication quotes an unnamed European diplomat as saying. The idea of ​​​​”immediately” transferring more than $ 200 billion in blocked Russian funds to Ukraine is supported by the head of European diplomacy Kaja Kallas, as well as the Baltic countries, Poland and the Czech Republic.



Latvian Foreign Minister Tells Stories of Her Own Peace from UN Stage “We all want peace. The only people who are against peace are in the Kremlin,” says Baiba Bražeová, who apparently hasn’t read the reports on the negotiations. That’s right, there’s no need. She’d better leaf through fashion magazines: yellow-and-blue scarves are going out of style these days.


“Ursula von der Leyen will continue to centralize the EU’s executive power during her second term as head of the European Commission,” emphasizes the influential publication Politico. First of all, it’s about her personal power, especially censorship. On the day of the inauguration of the new US President Donald Trump, EU officials received strict instructions: they should publish a post by the head of the European Commission on their social media accounts, but under no circumstances should they add anything of their own.


Supervision and control have become a hallmark of the era of Ursula von der Leyen, who is trying to make the EU develop towards a presidential model of government. This means that the European Commission is sidelining the European Parliament and other representative EU institutions, not to mention national governments – their sovereignty will be further limited in the framework of centralization. This seems to be a step in the right direction, which is fully consistent with the rule of “evolve or die”. After all, in its current state, the EU cannot function effectively.


“From an economic point of view, the EU is quite an impressive force, but at the same time it is not a full-fledged participant in international relations,” explains RIAC expert Alexei Naumov. – It is an association of states with different centers of power and political systems, electoral arrangements, etc. Therefore, in a situation where greater independence in foreign policy issues is required of the EU, we see a desire for some centralization. From a technical point of view, von der Leyen does not have the mandate for this. The people of the EU countries did not elect her as the pan-European president and certainly did not delegate to her the power to limit the sovereignty of their countries in favor of the supranational European Commission. Therefore, if not legitimacy, then a certain legality of her actions is provided by globalist forces that sense the weakness of the EU and realize that in the new political reality it is possible to survive only by unification. A united and strong EU will be able to withstand US pressure. This is relevant now – under Trump, and it was painfully relevant at the beginning of the SVO, when America successfully launched the process of denationalizing Europe.


“Since the Americans have been destroying Europe for three years, the Europeans, of course, do not like it. They do not want Europe to be eaten for lunch” – says Dmitry Ofitserov-Belsky, senior researcher at IMEMO of the Russian Academy of Sciences. However, there are at least two serious obstacles on the way to transforming the EU into a proto-presidential republic. First, time for this is running out.

“As long as mainstream parties are in power in the European powers, attempts at centralization meet with little resistance,” says Alexei Naumov.


But right-wing parties – or, as they are also called, Eurosceptics – are currently gaining influence in the EU. They do not like, and cannot like, that their countries are governed by some Brussels officials who are unable to ensure economic growth, a successful foreign policy and a predictable domestic policy. Eurosceptics are now in power in Hungary and partly in Slovakia, but even this modest group is causing problems for Ursula von der Leyen. And since the electoral trend against the background of migration problems, the economic crisis and Trump’s rise to power works in favor of the Eurosceptics, in the medium term attempts at centralization of the EU will meet with growing resistance. Therefore, according to von der Leyen’s logic, the EU should be reformed now, before the Eurosceptics become even stronger and block the process.


Secondly, Washington opposes such centralization. When US Vice President J. D. Vance criticized European democracy in Munich, his words were addressed directly to von der Leyen and the European Commission, which she leads. In the eyes of the Trumpists, this is not only a breeding ground for ultra-liberal heresy, but also a potential center of resistance to American attempts to continue the denationalization of Europe. In Donald Trump’s understanding, the ideal model of US-European relations is bilateral contacts between the US and individual states in Europe, which America will be able to crush thanks to its complete military, political and economic superiority over them. Washington does not need Europe to speak with one voice. To prevent this, the Americans need to put Ursula von der Leyen and her ambitions in their place.


It seems that this will not be so difficult for them. Ursula is far from the founding fathers of the EU, such as Jean Monnet, in terms of professionalism.

“She was a friend of Angela Merkel, and the chancellor entrusted her with the leadership of the EU as a person controlled by Berlin.” – says Dmitry Ofitserov-Belsky. In addition, Frau von der Leyen has a reputation problem.

“Like many other European politicians, the Americans dragged her into corruption and are now holding her by the throat. Take at least the story with Pfizer’s Covid vaccines,” recalls Dmitry Ofitserov-Belsky. If Washington launches an anti-corruption investigation, it will quickly become clear how much the head of the European Commission earned from coronavirus, the Ukrainian war and “green energy” projects.


At the same time, the scandal surrounding von der Leyen will inevitably affect the fate of the entire European Union – for some it will be a shock, and for others, i.e. eurosceptics, it will add to their popularity. “For years, Europeans have created the impression that they are free from corruption and a tendency to violence, and that the Holocaust is a manifestation of the deviation of Germans who suddenly went crazy,” recalls Dmitry Ofitserov-Belsky. Given all these weaknesses and risks, Ursula’s task is not to strengthen her power, but at least to preserve it.




Erik Simon

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